Saturday, November 25, 2017

Destiny 2 Still Sucks

Suprise surprise! Destiny 2 is still a terrible overhyped gaming experience! According to Kotaku Bungie has become forced to change how the game handles experience points, due to a rigged system that features...wait for it....rage boiling.... LOOT CRATES AND A RANDOM DLC LEVELING PAY TO WIN SYSTEM!!! FEATURING EXPANSION PASSES FROM THE 9TH CIRCLE OF HELL!!!! Bravo Bungie bravo! You have created a franchise that pales in comparison to Halo on every measure and underwhelms at every opportunity.

Destiny 2 has a broken leveling up system that just plain sucks all the color, fun, and life out of the experience. The more XP you get, your level climbs at first. Then you hit a paywall when Activision screams "FUCK YOU GIVE US MONEY GODAMMIT!!!" and you are forced to collect Bright Engrams *cough* *cough* shitty loot boxes *cough* which contain, you fucking guessed it. RANDOMIZED COSMETICS AND ABILITIES!!! What is the matter with you, the ungrateful consumer? You want to actually pick and choose your upgrades like in a quality video game? Well, no problem... ACTIVISION HUNGRY!!! GIVE US ALL YOUR MONEY BITCH!!!!

Destiny 2's bonus XP event is even more based on bullshit than ever before!  The players who game more extended hours progress much slower despite repeating the same activities. This is due to poor programming decisions from Bungie. No, it's not, it's just a cruel system designed to make your gaming experience a monotonous tedium unless you fork out the dough. Remember when leveling up in a video game was about skill and fun? Those days are over. Activision is bent in the head, and Bungie has officially fallen from grace. 

Destiny 2's Eververse is nothing more than a subtle microtransaction system designed to hide its true intentions to milk stupid gamers out of their money in small increments. The only alternative is grinding public events and repeating fucking Horde mode for hours upon hours. Your reward? Diminishing XP returns just to hopefully get a rare randomized item in the Loot Box tornado of despair and futility. Fuck Destiny 2!

TLDR: Microtransactions, Loot Crates, and Pay-To-Win systems have infected the gaming industry as true cancer, that needs to become sliced off at the root to save consumer confidence.

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