Tuesday, December 12, 2017

WWE 2K18

Look into this man's sweet, droopy, puppy dog eyes! Does this look like a man who would lie and deceive you, the loyal paying customer? If you answered no, congratulations! You get to enjoy WWE 2K18 for the Nintendo Switch in all its mediocrity and below average standards, lowering the bar for sports games worldwide! 

You will quickly find the WWE 2K18 port for the Nintendo Switch is a glitch-ridden, buggy mess of a video game, an inferior port to the Xbox One X and PS4 Pro versions at genuinely unacceptable levels! The performance is janky and terrible when your Switch is plugged in, but if you take the game on the go, prepare for an unplayable crawling nightmare, in which the framerate can spike below 20 to 10 FPS at random!!!

Every wrestler moves at half speed compared to the Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro versions. Constant jarring framerate drops interrupt the action, as character movements are rendered so poorly out of sync, gameplay devolves into a stereotypical button masher devoid of fun or purpose! Even worse than the horrible framerates, the audio crackles at random during gameplay, as characters will get cut off mid-dialogue. WWE 2K18 can also freeze on you when the audio glitches start mating with the framerate drops and force you to restart your Nintendo Switch to play a mediocre game. Not worth it at all! The lack of polish in this port is astonishing, it's downright abysmal when your port looks worse, sounds worse, and plays even uglier. Bottom line, this is a prime example of how NEVER to release a port!

Final Verdict:
Gameplay: 3/10
Graphics: 4/10
Sound: 1/10
Replay Value: 0/10
Final Score: 2/10 (Garbage!)

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