Wednesday, December 27, 2017

The Power of Reboots

When a franchise becomes aging, often an HD reboot can become the difference between the continued longevity or death of a franchise. Sonic Mania provided a breath of fresh air that the Sonic The Hedgehog series desperately needed. 2D retro graphics splashed with an HD coat of paint, combined with the excellent Genesis era gameplay that made the franchise famous in the first place. The above video showcases a remake of Donkey Kong Country 2, Diddy's Kong Quest in HD.

When done correctly, a remake can inspire veteran players to revisit a game for the nostalgic value, or newcomers to pick up a franchise they didn't consider before! Done poorly, however, a remake can incense and infuriate gamers by making a version that changes little from the original, or makes the game worse! Creating a successful reboot of a franchise that players already love is a very delicate process that needs attention, detail, and care. The tiniest adjustments can throw off the balance of classic features that made the original a popular franchise initially. But if the game does little to improve on its precursor, then there is little incentive for gamers to upgrade to the rebooted version!

The best reboots keep what is faithful to the original game alive while improving every technical aspect for a new generation. The Legend of Zelda's Wind Waker HD remake is a perfect example. The graphics received a 1080p polish!The draw distance while sailing from island to island is remarkably improved during sea-faring combat! Despite the failure of the Wii U console, Nintendo did an excellent job utilizing the controller's second screen as a convenient item inventory menu you can access without pausing the game! Its little details such as this that makes a reboot excellent. 

A reboot has to not only deliver all the original quality of the predecessor but improve on existing elements to craft a newer and better gaming experience!

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