Saturday, December 9, 2017

Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris & More Underwhelming DLC

Destiny 2 is a disaster. It improves little of the problems with the first Destiny but adds a host of more Season Passes and frustrating DLC practices. Bungie's Curse of Osiris is the first expansion that attempts to put out the fires of gamer rage. But while the expansion has several notable improvements including new story missions and sidequests, most of its gains are subtle, and not enough to solve Destiny's grind-fests and random DLC nightmares!

A six-person squad raid mission, along with new weapon and armor sets is included. For 20$ there is a lot of original content, but it is not enough. The campaign is still monotonous in constant Horde mode fights! Despite beautiful graphics and stunning vistas, the characters in Destiny 2 remain bland and forgettable, with questionable and unsatisfying plot narratives at every single turn!

On the plus side, a new antagonist joins the fray and has intelligent AI to boot, giving Destiny fans the best boss fight since the series inception. Combat mechanics have become tightened up in their execution, as you maneuver through a carbon-rich No Man's Sky sandbox filled with enemies who manipulate time and space. The trouble is, that is all you get for 20$! You're still left with grinding for hours, and random loot drops. You're always dealing with fighting the same generic waves of enemies over and over again in Horde mode with no variety! 

Worst of all, Bungie and Activision are still selling you the game in increments, forcing you to shell out more and more money to get the complete game, the post-release DLC patch nightmare. Why can't this content have come standard with Destiny 2's launch? It's unacceptable that we have to shell out money for an incomplete launch experience, and one with only minor improvements to the overall glaring problems that still plague this franchise!

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