Saturday, December 2, 2017

Seven: The Days Long Gone

Seven: The Days Long Gone underwhelms on every conceivable level. Imagine Diablo with fewer combat options, less open worlds to explore, less satisfying gameplay and fewer exploration mechanics. Get very comfortable with less, as Seven: The Days Long Gone, strips the Diablo mechanics down to bare bones execution, and the result is truly mediocre.

The game starts with an abrupt cutscene introducing Teriel, the main protagonist. Teriel attempts to swipe an artifact, fails horribly and is relocated to an island prison where he must serve the Emperor by locating more artifacts. All the characters and quests focus on monotonous world-building mechanics, rather than unique storytelling! It's a standard RPG, talk to NPC's, acquire items and skills by completing quests, kill enemies, and obtain stronger weapons. Yet the entire experience would be average at best even if it worked without convoluted game design choices that ruin the experience! 

Seven: Days Long Gone places fast-travel locations inside enemy bases planted by aggressive foes. The map is so poorly designed, that you can warp from one area into a firefight and get killed in the blink of an eye! The game rips off Diablo but removes all satisfying combat, all smart AI. There is no depth in combat variety, just button mash against wave after wave of mindless monsters. Stealth attacks are so glitchy that sometimes you can assassinate a target and they won't die! Guards sprint unpredictably between points with such low inventory variety that you end up reusing the same weapons and assets over and over again!

Overall, Seven: Days Long Gone is a terrible experience! This game downgrades everything fans love about Diablo and replaces those mechanics with shallow gameplay, a boring story, and poor design mechanics. I suggest you avoid this underwhelming game at all costs!

Final Verdict:
Graphics: 4/10
Gameplay: 3/10
Sound: 3/10
Replay Value: 2/10
Overall: 3/10 (Terrible!)

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