Thursday, December 14, 2017

Opus Magnum

When it comes to innovative and challenging puzzle games, few current titles in 2017 can match the ambitious scope and execution of Opus Magnum! Opus Magnum is about far more than merely completing a level, you design custom robots to solve puzzles more efficiently. Each and every piece you add or subtract to your custom robot determines the success you will have with every problem. 

In Opus Magnum's future utopia, alchemy is the foundation of society, and devices can transform water into fuel, lead to gold, and far more! Your machines move and shift with enjoyable mechanical clacks and clunk as the vivid 2D art style pops right off the screen! Science and magic blend harmoniously in this game, and it is your job as the player to determine the best combinations. Every task doesn't have a "correct" solution to any puzzle, encouraging experimentation and innovation over frustration and tedium! You have no mandatory score to set, but the near-infinite freedom to design your machines to serve any purpose! 

Opus Magnum tracks how long it takes the player to assemble their robots, how many hex tiles you consume while building, and the costs of every piece. These qualities frequently conflict with each other. Sometimes you will want to spend more money quicker, other times you need to build small to conserve your resources, as every level requires different design combinations to win!

The level of ingenuity in Opus Magnum is staggering! You can spend days tinkering with all the customization options to build your machines and still never run out of new parts to salvage, advanced robot mechanics to design, and new puzzles to solve thanks to the developers promise of free in-game updates! Opus Magnum raises the bar for every puzzle game moving forward, and is the best entry this genre has seen since the halcyon days of Tetris and Dr.Mario! A must purchase Triple AAA title, a puzzle game like none other!

Final Verdict: 
Graphics: 9/10
Gameplay: 10/10
Sound: 10/10
Replay Value: 9.8/10
Overall: 9.8/10 (Amazing!)

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