Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Necessity of Replacing Micro-transactions with Achievements

Remember back in the day when you would unlock new content in a video game, by only playing the game itself? I know, revolutionary concept. Well, the game developers of today have replaced this system with the "Fuck you give us money" micro transaction system. Now we have to pay money for new armor, pay money for new weapons, pay money for new maps, new content, everything we once only paid a $50 or $60 fee to unlock simply through skill, dedication, and perseverance, gone in an instant.

The hardcore gamer is getting ignored in favor of casuals, and the middle of working class players are getting duped and conned out of hard earned money. Not every player can afford season passes Microsoft and Activision! Then there is the pay to win scenarios, in which only by paying an individual fee can you get the necessary weapons to win, a la Call of Duty. Then in the case of the Battlefield series, you're paying out of pocket for post release patches to fix a broken game at launch. Does that seem right to you? Hell no it doesn't!!! But as long as these gaming studios pocket their precious money, they will not change a formula that works. We must all vote with our wallets, and stop supporting greedy corporate practices that charge the video game player at every opportunity and diminish content further and further through each release!

Gamers want to unlock content through playing the actual video game. The occasional DLC package is fine, as long as the content is meaningful to the player game devs! We want to explore new maps and unlock new content, but we remain sick and tired of shelling out fees for cosmetic upgrades, and waiting for post patches to fix broken video games at release! We want to unlock new characters and modes, but not through micro transactions which unfairly penalize working-class people over wealthier players. The entire micro transaction system has been a disastrous event for hardcore gamers while netting a big win for corporate consumerism and greed. It used to be about the gameplay and replayability, now it's about cashing in and cutting out, and it needs to change forever!

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