Saturday, August 5, 2017

SEGA Genesis Flashback Is An Absolute Trainwreck

It has become abundantly clear to myself, as well as countless other gaming fans of both SEGA, Capcom, and Konami, that these three gaming studios literally have stopped giving a fuck about anything but profits. Capcom continues its newfound tradition of butchering classic titles such as Megaman, Street Fighter, and Marvel VS Capcom with shitty DLC requirements and nerfed gameplay options. Konami huffed so much paint and air duster, they believed firing Hideo Kojima was a good idea, and received a proper fan backlash ribbing up the ass.

But between Konami and Capcom, the true loser is now SEGA. This company is on life support. Outside of Sonic Forces and the rumored new Shenume title, this company no matter should matter to anyone who loves video games! SEGA has repeatedly demonstrated total callousness towards old school fans, and nowhere is this more apparent than in the pitifully awful, SEGA Genesis Flashback, buy at your own risk! Shell out $80.00 a pop, then recieve a crappy lineup of non-HD Genesis game remakes with an incomplete roster of Sonic The Hedgehog titles, NO SONIC THE HEDGEHOG THREE ANYWHERE!!! It's insulting, as this company once was Nintendo's primary competitor, now they are a sad joke than cannot compete with Nintendo, who despite being an excellent company themselves, are struggling against Microsoft and Sony's dominance of the video gaming industry. 

The difference is that between Nintendo and SEGA, I want to see Nintendo come out victorious and remain a competitor to Microsoft and Sony, whereas I only want SEGA to die off and never return. Even if Sonic Forces is not a shitacular Sonic game, and even if Shenume is decent enough as a remake or sequel, it will take decades of excellent game releases for SEGA to undo the damage they have done to themselves. SEGA has also made the foolish mistake of attempting to ban all YouTubers from promoting their video games and consoles through fair use. News flash video game developers, gamers uploading videos of your product increases consumer desire for your products. By banning the fair use of copyrighted material, you ban people selling your product for you, and deserve every bit of the backlash you receive in turn!

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