Sunday, October 29, 2017


Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus is a pulse-pounding action FPS developed by the award receiving studio MachineGames! If the saying goes, "The only great Nazi is a dead one" then Wolfenstein 2 fulfills this promise with curb stomps and AK47's! The kill animations are savage with realistic blood effects, with a silky smooth new game engine. The story takes a unique angle on World War II, emboldening players as to the dangers of imperialism and the dehumanizing effects of militarism, but never bothers to cut down on the blood, act, on and mayhem for a single second!

Your late Blazkowicz hero charges into an over the top action fest so stupid that it's ingenious. You vacillate between discussing Jim Crow politics and shoving knives through Nazi eye sockets as you mow down Nazi's with sub-automatic machine guns and AK-47's. Following the story of the prequel to a tee, Blazkowicz is riddled with physical deterioration and mental scars, with his wounds confining him to a wheelchair. Your protagonist teeters on the edge of insanity, with only his family keeping his beating heart alive. The goal is simple, fight until you break into pieces or die to try!

To me, Wolfenstein 2 is everything that the hideously overhyped and awful Duke Nukem forever should have been. Over-the-top action, savage violence and engaging combat; all while uncovering the perfect balance between delivering a severe social commentary narrative on the horrors of war, while not taking its world and premise too seriously. Massively destructible environments, new weapons and abilities and improved stealth mechanics make Wolfenstein 2 a substantial enhancement over its predecessor. And who doesn't love dual-wielded shotguns? If you're looking for an action-thriller FPS with all the badass trimmings, Wolfenstein 2: The New Collusus delivers. Any FPS fan worth their salt needs to reserve a copy posthaste!

Final Verdict:
Graphics: 10/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Sound: 8/10
Replayability: 8/10
Overall: 8/10 (Great!)

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