Woe to all true Lord of the Ring's fans! Your hopes have been dashed, and the one ring of power has deceived the greedy game developers of Middle Earth: Shadow Of War!

Sure the graphics are polished. The gameplay is semi-decent. But allowing single player loot drops, and forcing gamers to pay microtransactions to advance through the single-player game with real-world money is disgusting! A shameless cash-whoring malignant cancer upon gamers! This takes sadistic pay-to-play microtransactions to an abhorrent low. Did I forget to mention the collector's edition of Shadow of War costs $300.00?! That's three hundred dollars plus paying for loot drops with extra real-world cash, just to advance through the single player game!
It gets even worse! Once you beat the game, the only way to avoid shelling out real-world money for any unlockables is to play through the game again multiple times on pointless fetch quests. Grind through side missions endlessly, or shell out more cash for a garbage ending that resolves nothing. But hey! Thanks for your money suckers! This is a video game that should become purchased by absolutely no one who hates microtransactions and pointless grinding.
Gamers must vote with our wallets and reject this virtual poison before it infects the entire industry with such a blatant cash grab! Its such a shame, because Shadow of War has excellent potential, with amazing graphics and solid gameplay, but the insane amount of grind-fests and pointless loot drops, not to mention forced microtransactions to even advance in the single-player game, just to get a shitty ending is worth no one's hard-earned cash. You may wish to wear the ring of Middle Earth: Shadow of War, but trust me you do so to experience absolute misery!
Graphics: 10/10
Gameplay: 5/10
Sound: 7/10
Replayability: -1000/10
Overall 2/10 (Garbage)
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