The gaming community has basically assumed, due to a long string of shameless movie-based video game cash-ins, that all movie-licensed video games are total garbage. Then South Park creators Matt Stone and Trey Parker delivered with Ubisoft the excellent South Park: The Stick of Truth, with both fantastic gameplay and excellent writing from the show's creators themselves! Now in 2017, South Park continues breaking the mold of trashy movie licensed video games with South Park: The Fractured But Whole
Fractured But Whole combines excellent RPG elements with a satisfying story that expands upon the Coon South Park episodes and as a direct sequel to The Stick of Truth. The graphics are 100% faithful to the classic cut-out style of the show, and you will often feel like your directly in a South Park episode interacting with the universe. Particularly in the opening hours, it's difficult to advise what should be genuine and what's all in the children's aggregate creative energy – and The Fractured But Whole takes pleasure in obscuring that line.
Except for Professor Chaos' anime super-move introduction, we generally observe the main characters outfits as stopgap cosplay powers cobbled together from tinfoil, Tupperware, and cardboard, however, their forces have appeared with splendidly shaded vitality impacts and accomplishments of superhuman quality and speed. You'll have children shooting lasers out of kites and transporting one minute, at that point delaying the battle to release an auto by the following. At that point, grown-ups get included, and you need to begin pondering what's truly happening. This is South Park, so it's not precisely obliged by authenticity, so it's a bewildering question that is always raised.
Given South Park's tendency to push the boundaries of controversy, its hardly surprising that The Fractured But Whole pokes offensive buttons, such as fourth graders visiting a strip club, or a priest self-flagellating with rosary combined from anal beads, along with super racist cop portrayals. Yet the quick and sharp pacing of both the writing and the satisfying combat keeps both gamers and South Park fans equally engaged the entire ride! South Park: The Fractured But Whole is a unique anomaly in a sea of terrible movie-licensed or television proprietary based video games, featuring both excellent writing and excellent gameplay, a worthy purchase for any South Park fan!
Graphics: 9/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Writing: 10/10
Replayability: 9/10
Overall: 9/10 (Amazing!)
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