Saturday, October 21, 2017

ELEX: A Mediocre RPG

If you are picking up ELEX and expecting a quality RPG like Divinity II Original Sin, prepare to become INCREDIBLY disappointed. The game is riddled with nonstop bugs that render the whole experience next to unplayable. Terrible gameplay, awful characters, and a throwaway cliche narrative. 

The story is weaksauce compared to most RPG's. Poorly designed set of characters. An overused, trite cliche save the world narrative that has been done a thousand times better in superior RPG's. Its as if the developers took a bunch of different characters from multiple scripts and jammed them together into a blender. No logical consistency! Post Apocalyptic Outlaws, dinosaurs, robot mechs, Vikings, and wizards fart around onscreen with no explanation, not that you would ever care. The framerate drops below 30 FPS consistently, even on good personal computers, making the entire experience a nightmare to play through when the framerate dips so often, you'd swear your shooting through Elmer's glue!

Gameplay combines the most wretched qualities from both third-person shooters and close-quarters combat simulators, ever designed by a game developer! Janky, imprecise movements, based around colossally poor hitpoint direction mechanics for hours on end. Clunky and unresponsive, brain-dead AI scattered throughout every level make your allies pointless and the enemies boring to fight. ELEX does not challenge your skill as a gamer, just your sanity. There is nothing that ELEX offers which makes the game replayable. It's an inferior RPG with laughable AI and terrible glitches. Purchase ELEX if you can get past these glaring flaws, but don't expect any fun whatsoever. A total embarrassment, an epic failure of a video game on every level!

Graphics: 7/10
Gameplay: 3/10
Sound: 5/10
Replayability: 1/10
Overall: 1/10 (Abysmal Garbage)

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