Friday, July 28, 2017

Faster Sensitivity in FPS is not always better

When most people play first person shooters, most times, they will advise you to play at the highest sensitivity possible. They say that faster reflexes lead to better shots. I disagree having experimented with lower sensitivities. I would strongly argue, that a steady shot is the most important element of getting good at First Person Shooters. It doesn't matter how fast your turn speed and reflexes are if you cannot hit the broad side of a barn! In experimenting with 1 sensitivity in Halo, I discovered how much steadier my shot was, and pulled off two killing sprees and a frenzy, which I have uploaded in this available video for you below!

The key in getting consistent kills with lower sensitivities in FPS games is to learn about positioning. If you rush when you shouldn't, you're going to get assassinated hard. Learn when to play defensively and when to play offense, and it will make a crucial difference in your FPS game. Using the Guardian map match I uploaded as an example, my shots are dead steady the entire event, with multiple 4 shots occurring in rapid succession. Because I position myself accordingly, the other team struggles to kill me without myself cleaning them up! One spawn, the player was directly next to me, and I still kill him off spawn. On higher sensitivities, getting caught off spawn can become a death sentence, that does not occur at 1 or 2 sensitivity. Positioning is everything, it makes the crucial difference in firefights between winning and loosing! 

The truth is, you should play FPS games at whatever control scheme you are comfortable with. But the critical lesson to learn here is that faster sensitivity is not always superior! Not to mention, the adage of faster not always being better applies to real life responsibilities as well, given the phrase, "Work smarter, not harder!" Who knew that video games can teach valuable life lessons about slowing down, and enjoying the present moment! You learn something new every day, and when you stop learning and growing, you start dying.

1 comment:

  1. I understand that many players can use a fast sensitivity to their advantage, those players often use a fast play style. So many players are willing to subject their characters to so much fast-paced, hard-boiled action! I use a slow sensitivity when I play "yolo style", tending to choose a strong defense over a strong offense. Taking cover and steady shooting in fps gaming is a good style for me.
