Monday, July 17, 2017

Top 5 Worst Platforming Mascots Ever

1) Bubsy: This cat is irritating, starring in horrible game after horrible game, a lousy camera, cringe-inducing vocals and a horrible storyline.

2) Awesome Possum: Basically Sonic The Hedgehog if everything about the franchise sucked from day one. Awesome Posum who kicks Dr.Machino’s butt is lame, he thinks too highly of himself despite his embarrassing falsetto voice, he collects garbage for powerups (the most befitting metaphor in video game history) and cries like a pussy if he so much as trips over a flower. All the bad attitude of Sonic, none of the charm or care of the classic Genesis games. An utter failure.

3) Gex: If the character isn’t spouting off expositions, worthless platitudes, or dated movie references, Gex has nothing to offer any audience besides sub-par platforming, and the worst gaming soundtrack in history, that loops on a feedback so often, you will want to take a hacksaw to your ears for the peaceful nature of silence.

4) Glover: Glover is dependent on his ball. So dependent, that you have to carry the ball everywhere and cannot platform without being chained to Glover’s ball or you die. Imagine Knuckles Chaotix if you lost a life stepping a few inches away from a single ring, then having to start the entire horrible atrocious experience all over again, just to experience the same broken game mechanic repeated ad nauseum.

5) Bebe’s Kids: This video explains to you more than any mere words can. Enjoy! This video remains copyrighted to the Nostalgia Critic, not myself.

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