Saturday, September 23, 2017

Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite A Fighting Game Downgrade

Marvel VS Capcom Infinite is an inferior version of Marvel VS Capcom 3, a downgrade on every level, and proof that Capcom has come to hate its core fan base. Fighting game faithful and EVO2K hardcore gamers haven't received a new Megaman game in years, Street Fighter V had a broken online and features arcade mode, and Marvel VS Capcom Infinite only pours more salt in the wound.

95% of the characters have been released unchanged since the last release. Capcom's roster is significantly less expensive than the Marvel options, which remains inexcusable! We want an even balance of our favorite Marvel and Capcom roster, not a watered down roster! No Akuma, no Captain Commando, no Scarlet Witch, no Cammy or Alex, so many essential characters missing!And guess what, haters of microtransactions? Prepare to get more characters added to your roster through mandatory DLC packs every few months! How grand, more useless microtransactions, did gamers not complain loudly enough? We paid for the game once, give us a complete game and then DLC becomes worth something, not releasing an incomplete mess and the game developer charging gamers extra just to play a fucking complete game that should have been this way at launch!

The graphics are fugly in Marvel VS Capcom Infinite, with jaggies and low-resolution textures sullying the entire experience. Gameplay has zero skill and how far the mighty have fallen from the days of Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, widely considered by the hardcore crowd to remain the epitome of how to release a competitive fighting game! Now you only mash buttons over and over to win, all skill dumped out the nearest window. Once again, Capcom expects you to pay full price for a lackluster experience. Vote with your wallets, and shout from the rooftops gamers, "NO MORE!!!"

Graphics: 2/10
Gameplay: 5/10
Sound: 6/10
Replayability: 3/10
Overall: 4/10 (Travesty)

If you wish to take your chances, give this broken fighter a shot, don't say I didn't warn you! Come back and let me know what you think!

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