I have since played all of the major Halo titles except for Halo 5 Guardians and loved them all (excluding Halo Reach). However I refuse to buy Halo 5 in any way, shape, or form despite being impressed with the games new features until 343 pulls the electrical sockets out of their brains and patches in split screen, or at the very least confirms it for Halo 6, because that was a massively bad move by 343. Not to mention only getting to play as the Master Chief for three missions in the entire game? Seriously? That's pathetic. So many hours with my friends couch surfing Halo 3 and Halo 4 customs, all gone to waste just so we can experience shiny 60 FPS, once again proving that the industry favors graphics over solid gameplay and functionality. With this in mind, here is my list of, in my opinion, the best and worst maps that the Halo series has to offer.
Top 5 Best Halo Maps
5) Longest (Halo CE)
It's no secret that I love symmetrical maps in first person shooters. They offer the most balance in Team Slayer matches because both teams spawn with an equal chance of controlling the map. Longest is an excellent example of how to design a symmetrical arena-based map that is fast, fun and furiously addictive. Free for All matches quickly become a bloodbath when everyone is given a Shotgun on this map, as you barely have time to turn a corner before you either react in time or wade in pools of your blood. But my favorite mode in Longest is Capture the Flag. Due to this maps straightforward design, team shooting is everything when it comes to snatching victory from the jaws of defeat.
4) The Pit (Halo 3)
Another example of an excellent symmetrical map in the Halo series. Both teams spawn with a sniper rifle while the rocket launcher Camo and Overshield remain placed in critical locations that lead to intense firefights to control power weapons and secure the map. The sniper tower is so much fun to pick off targets, let alone ambush the sniper with an energy sword, shotgun or grenade to BR combo. Make no mistake, this map is best in Team based Slayer and objective game types. Because this map is perfectly symmetrical, both teams stand an equal chance of controlling the map through dominating spawn points and holding down the sniper tower or sword room.
3) Lockout/Blackout (Halo 2 & Halo 3)
What can I say about Lockout that hasn't already been immortalized in the eyes of FPS fans? This map is a real classic, with intense combat taking place from the lower walkways filled with grenade explosions, all the way up to the high snowy peaks of the sniper and battle rifle locations. The action is always flowing in this map, and top control is essential. Otherwise, expect to become entirely overrun by a hail of bullets and the traditional teabag. The entire level can become traversed extremely quickly, but assassinations are common unless you have an escape route planned.
2) Heretic/Midship (Halo 2 & Halo 3)
When it comes to frantic war zones of sophisticated arena style FPS madness, few maps in FPS history can compete with the glory that is Midship from Halo 2, remade in both Halo 3 and Halo 5 Guardians. Why? Because this map is the quintessential arena based map, as nearly every surface area can be traversed through timed jumps to gain complete map dominance. Explosions fly with reckless abandon as you fight in Team Slayer or Objective matches to control Bottom Middle, Car 2, Car 1, Top Middle, and the customary Blue and Pink bases. This map is a constant assault of comebacks; I can think of few maps where you shouldn't place your eggs all in one basket. The lack of maneuverability means that anyone can make a comeback in this map, but only the legends at Halo will shoot their way to the top.
1) Blood Gulch (every Halo game ever)
And now, because all optimism needs a healthy dose of cynicism now and again.
Top 5 Worst Halo Maps
5) Isolation (Halo 3)

Frankly, this map is a damn chore to play through. The giant mass of grass at the top leaves you completely exposed to oncoming fire while the Flood marsh pits are a perfect trap for newbies to get splattered by a Ghost or pulverized with Rockets. Camping is infamous on this map, and the strategy seems entirely based on spot the Spartan stuck without cover. Gameplay becomes repetitive quickly when teams camp at the top tower of the map and rain fire down on you, only to take the escape tunnel forcing you to follow them into a well-timed rocket or shotgun bullet.
4) Longshore (Halo 3)

This map is a campers paradise, where you will constantly spawn and have to walk endlessly just to find a single power weapon. The map has just enough cover to allow the enemy team to hide away for most of the match, gunning down fresh bodies in the turret or mowing down targets in the Ghost. And woe is to anyone who lets someone press the bridge button as if this occurs prepare to get spawn killed over and over and over again until you flush your controller down the toilet in frustration.
3) Countdown (Halo Reach)
I cannot stand Countdown; every single match is the same. Sprint around aimlessly for a few seconds before jetpacking kids wreck you by spamming Reach's broken mini nuke grenades. You are perpetually running in the same directions over and over until your slow Sprint AA runs out of juice and you get double beatdown to death by tryhards. Controlling any point of the map is utterly pointless in Halo Reach, as players can simply jetpack and spam mini nukes or Armor Lock regularly until you are forced to rush. No matter where you spawn on this map, you nearly always have to end up rushing the shotgun spawn near the lifts. Don't fall into the trap of jumping into a lift unless you have a close range weapon handy or a set of mini nukes, as you will get obliterated by the hordes of kids who believe skill equates to armor lock camping the lifts for an eternity.
2) Backwash (Halo 2)
Do you enjoy a map covered in so much fog you have no idea where you are going? Enjoy getting killed by an Energy Sword out of thin air? Ugly putrid textures? Check. Horrible weapon placement? Check. This map is decent enough for Infection game types, but the smog ruins all other game types very quickly, and the fun wears off fast. When you cannot get your bearings and get assassinated in the back before you even have a chance to grab a battle rifle or yell the latest profanity to amuse all your social media loving friends and excommunicate yourself from the most recent cocktail social.
1) Sword Base (Halo Reach)
Sword Base, simply put, is not only the worst map in Halo history, but it is also the worst map in ANY FIRST PERSON SHOOTER. Having played the beta version of Halo Reach, Bungie somehow managed to make an atrocious level even worse. Take Constructs lifts from Halo 3, and then condense every spawn point into rushing like drunken jackals into the single lift room, where some jackass will always be camping with armor lock and a shotgun or energy sword. There is no fucking strategy to this map whatsoever, rush energy lift room or die regularly. The textures are this dangerous mix of silver and turquoise, and I cannot image how much paint the artists were huffing when they thought that was an attractive color scheme for a map. The sniper became cruelly removed from the beta, and by the time Bungie put it back into Sword Base, it didn't change the fact that the only way to win in this trainwreck of a map is to camp lift room regularly. The room is shielded off from grenades, encouraging campers and armor lock tryhards, making every second excruciating to experience. King of the Hill puts the hills in horrible spawn points allowing yourself to get nuked by Reach's broken grenades every two seconds. It doesn't even matter if you get your hands on the sniper because the lift camper is impervious to damage unless they leave the room and no one who knows how to play Sword Base ever plays this map outside of camping the lifts. The design is horrible, the textures are putrid and bland, the weapons are thoughtlessly strewn about in nonsensical spawn points, this map is just a complete disaster in every way imaginable.
Well, that's about all she wrote for tonight. I'm going to reminisce about the good old days of parking a Warthog over the teleporters in Blood Gulch and soaking in buckets of noob spawn traps to mask my seething loneliness.
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